Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Guest Feature: 30/30 Challenge

by Byron Johnson (BJ)

Each year since moving to Niger I feel like my life as a husband, father and educator has improved. I'm working hard at making 2013 an even more successful year in regards to all facets of my life. I kicked off this year's health and wellness push by completing a "30/30" challenge. For the last 30 days I made sure to complete some sort of heart rate elevating activity for at least 30 minutes. Walking the dog, Jogging, Jiujitsu, Softball, Karate, Circuit Training, Zumba, Wii games... Much of what I accomplished I did in the company of my supportive wife, incredible son, some awesome coworkers and even (amazingly) a few students. So now I'm throwing the challenge out there. Who's got 30 minutes in their day to start building a better you? 1 sitcom? 1/2 an episode of Scandal? 1/6 of the time your average sporting event where you watch someone else be active?

Any day can be your January 1st! (mine was the the 7th)

Trust that if Byron "Regular 2:00 A.M. run to 7-11 for a beef patty with chili and cheese cause they're open, I'm awake and why the hell not? " Johnson switched his game, then anybody can!

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